Corporate to Consulting: Personal Branding Strategies for Leaders
Learn how to transition from corporate to consulting with powerful personal branding. Discover key strategies for optimizing your LinkedIn profile, maintaining authenticity, and leveraging social media for growth.
Confident Pricing.
Confidently price your photography work. Tips to stop giving discounts and undercharging your services and know your worth as a photographer.
Elevate your personal brand as a professional speaker
How to elevate and grow your personal brand through professional speaking with Chiquita Searle.
Hotel Quarantine Survival Tips
How I got through unexpected hotel quarantine, things I can’t live without and a routine to keep my sanity.
Client Showcase | Bianca Dezotti
Bianca Dezotti is passionate about helping people feel confident in their money and investments.
3 Tips for Stand Out Team Portraits
How to plan for corporate headshots and team photos for your company.
Kemi Nekvapil - RAW & REAL
From an acting career, to raw food, to empowering women globally.
The Stylish Mel Brady, Naturally.
Inspiring women everywhere to embrace their age and luscious silver locks.
Carla Troiano - Talent, Passion and a Touch of Diva!
Jazz singer and songstress Carla shares her journey and stepping into her vision.
Birdie Cashmere - Pure and Simple Luxury
Birdie provides great quality cashmere at an approachable price point.
Peta Sitcheff helps discover your signature selling style.
Peta Sitcheff’s personal branding shoot to launch the next chapter of her career.